The most lovely excuse to wear pink. Thank you Anh Binh for this picture, which I like a lot, and for all the event's pictures ! The photographers really did an awesome job. Next time I hope we can have a real photo corner !
It feels very stange for me to speak of the event. It has been in planning for so long, what I remember the most from all of this is the work before and during the day, as well as the joy of seeing everyone happy to shop, do the activities, participate in the panels and meeting people from around the world.
I am learning more about what people enjoyed and what is to be improved by reading attendee's blog posts, as it is difficult to judge how it went when organizing. You have no idea of what is going all around you except for your own tasks, it feels very disrupting ! That is why I'll merely post pictures here.
Still, we all have been overwhelmed by the support of people who came, helped, and made the event possible. And I am most happy the fashion shows went well and that we stuck to the schedule :D
Deep thanks to my fellow organizers from SFE and French Café, with a special mention for Mila for coordinating all of this and all of us, Erica for her awesome skills, and Ludovic for that pre-fashion show set up magic he worked. All the people who helped, even those who did not have to, friends and moms who came to lend a hand; volunteers and models, vendors and donators, photographers and, of course, attendees. Thank you for putting your trust in this event.
Opening speech picture from fanuxsiri, thank you so much !
Owloli stall ! Sandra has outdone herself with her creations and fashion show outfits.
Remaining items will be sold on her page, keep an eye open !
Russian team of awesomness. You are too kind !
Such nice people ;w;
In the morning I went to help Masumi Kanoh's signing session, then off to take part in the first fashion show, where I was modelling for the first time, for Grimoire~Hitomi is an incredibly lovely person, I'm happy it gave me the occasion to talk to her more ! I gathered some pictures from the fashion show, don't hesitate to go check the credited photographers, they have a lot of pictures and they did a great work !
This is from our official photographer Emily Faulder !
With Kari, from BN-chan for Lolita Rhône-Alpes~
With designer Hitomi and my fellow Grimoire models, the incredibly beautiful Kari and Hana.
Picture from Methice
Next up was Babi's talk-show, which I did not attend unfortunately, but the script was very interesting.
Mila tried on the most... Interesting Triple*Fortune bonnet in existence.
And Rosalynn was the cutest as always !

Pouic pouic.
We were matching for once !
I had the chance to have the time to watch the second fashion show and take some pictures. That's always my favourite part !
♡ Triple*Fortune ♡
♡ Baby, the stars Shine Bright ♡
Then it was already time to set up the raffle ! I dare hope it was shorter this year...? It always seem very long ! I also hope everyone is happy with their prize~ If you have pictures, please don't hesitate to share them with SFE/French Café, we know donators always love to know who won their creations !
It has been an incredible adventure. I could write an essay thanking everyone. I am very glad to have been a part of all of this, and already very much look forward to the next event !
Souvenirs from the week-end~~ I love getting postcards. Give me postcards. I got a lovely signed card from Triple Fortune in thanks, which is incredibly nice. I bought the Peppermint Fox special Tiny Companion, and Mila got me the Grimoire Lover's eye barrette ;^; I've been wanting it ever since it was released, I am so so happy. (And also the Kunika cookie~)
Edit : I must link Rosalynn's video about the event (and everyone should see it, but I'm just saying that) because it is absolutely amazing and adorable.
Oh, it looks like you all had so much fun! ♥
RépondreSupprimerHave a lovely March!
Amy xx
Perfect Imperfections
Oh my gosh, the video and the photos are so great! Makes the event look like SOOOO much fun! You all did such a fantastic job, congratulations on a perfect event! <3<3
RépondreSupprimerEveryone looks so beautiful :) This event looks like it was wonderful.
RépondreSupprimer- Sarah
The event was so much fun, I had a wonderful time! Thank you and much love on you all <3